Field Trial Horses for Sale near Pocomoke City, MD

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About Pocomoke City, MD

The Sturgis One Room School Museum, a one-room schoolhouse, was moved to its present location in the downtown area as a museum of local African-American history. In addition to the MarVa Theater and Costen House, Beverly, Littleton T. Clarke House, Crockett House, Hayward's Lott, Pocomoke City Historic District, Puncheon Mill House, and Young-Sartorius House are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Pocomoke City is home to the Delmarva Discovery Museum, an interactive museum focusing on local ecology and history, and The Isaac Costen House Museum. The MarVa Theater is a 1927 Art Deco auditorium known for its superior acoustics, and is being restored as a regional center for the performing arts.