Field Trial Horses for Sale near Osawatomie, KS

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About Osawatomie, KS

Osawatomie's name is a compound of two primary Native American Indian tribes from the area, the Osage and Pottawatomie. In addition, the town is bordered by Pottawatomie Creek and the Marais des Cygnes River (part of the Osage River system), which are also named for the two tribes. The Emigrant Aid Society's transport of settlers to the Kansas Territory as a base for Free State forces played a key role in the establishment of the community of Osawatomie in October 1854. Settled by abolitionists in hopes of aiding Kansas' entry to the United States as a free state, the community of Osawatomie and pro slavery communities nearby were quickly engaged in violence. In March 1855, abolitionists Rev.