Field Trial Horses for Sale near Pennville, IN

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About Pennville, IN

The history of Pennville began when Samuel Grisell and Moses Hamilton left their homes in Columbiana County, Ohio, in the spring of 1834 to search for government land for a permanent home. Their journey led them to Jay County, Indiana, and on 10 February 1835 Grisell received a Land Patent at the General Land Office at Fort Wayne, purchasing the land "for the North East quarter of Section thirty-five, in Township twenty-four of Range twelve," which contained 160 acres (0.65 km 2). Hamilton was the first to move to the new area, and Grisell came shortly thereafter. It is generally accepted, although not proven, that Grisell then platted the land into a town in August 1836, and named it New Lisbon, presumably after the Village of Lisbon in his home county of Columbiana County, Ohio. New Lisbon was short lived and the name of the town changed to Camden around 1837 because there was another town of the same name in Indiana.