Field Trial Horses for Sale near Litchfield, IL

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About Litchfield, IL

Litchfield was platted in October 1853, and was originally called Huntsville, after it was thought that Railroad Chief Engineer George Hunt was going to be the one to bring in the railroad. [ citation needed ] Earlier, Hardinsburg, about 2 miles (3 km) to the southwest, had been founded about 1850. Both towns were created in anticipation of the Terre Haute & Alton Railroad. Hardinsburg grew to about 50 people by 1854; but when it became clear that the railroad was going through Huntsville instead of Hardinsburg, many of the buildings in Hardinsburg were pulled across the prairie on runners to Huntsville beginning in January 1854, and most of the residents moved to the new site as well, becoming Litchfield's first residents. The railroad reached Huntsville in the autumn of 1864, and within two more years Hardinsburg had substantially disappeared.