Check This Mare out!

5 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
14.3 hh
Foal Date
January, 2013
United States
Ad Status

Appaloosa Mare for Sale in Ocala, FL

🦄Poppy🦄 🦄Poppy is not registered! 🦄9Yr old 14.2/14.3h.🦄 🦄Poppy is the one you want in your barn! 🦄 She is a super easy keeper, she is all around a solid pony. 🦄 Poppy has great feet barefoot 100% sound. 🦄Poppy sweats well & has no medical conditions or issues 🦄Pre-purchase exams are welcome. 🦄Poppy has 2 small cosmetic scars on her right front leg, but they do not affect her ability to go in any direction of riding, & it does not limit the amount of workload she can take. 🦄 Poppy is great for the farrier, & she stands tied perfectly. 🦄 Poppy stands quietly to be groomed/bathed and tacked up. 🦄Poppy is good around dogs, pigs, goats, emus, cows chickens, and turkeys. 🦄 Poppy knows how to load on the trailer well (sometimes she gives a small hesitation but she is easy to convince and doesn't put up a big fight) 🦄 Poppy has been to two shows, 1 game show, and 1 small ranch horse show. 🦄 Poppy is only for an experienced & confident rider that isn't timid or afraid (Poppy is very responsive to our vibe, if you're nervous, she will be nervous. If you're confident she will be 100% confident.) 🦄 Poppy has been broke to ride for 9 months. (we have owned her for 9 months) 🦄Poppy lunges well 🦄Poppy likes it better when she's ridden more often. 🦄Poppy rides well in the company of other horses or alone. 🦄 Poppy is ready to go and have some fun in any direction, she is a super athletic and powerful ride. 🦄 Poppy is willing and more forward of a ride, she slows down a lot during the ride she's just very powerful. Poppy has an excellent Woah. 🦄Poppy rides on light contact feel & can ride on a loose rein! 🦄 Poppy rides in a snaffle and moves off your leg, she is good with you riding with your leg on her as long as you can balance the feel-out with the contact with her mouth. 🦄 Poppy knows the basics of neck reining and is getting good at it! 🦄 Poppy has trotted over cross rails and poles, I trot her through the barrel pattern 3-4 times a week. 🦄 Poppy has been trail ridden and crosses down trees and small barriers and obstacles, I have ridden her over tarps and rode her with a tarp around my neck as a scarf. 🦄Poppy easily crosses water, 🦄Poppy will lead or follow the herd! Not in a rush High 🥕🥕🥕🥕 Reddick, FL ☀️🌦

About Ocala, FL

Ocala is governed by a five-member board of councillors and a mayor, all of which are elected on a nonpartisan basis. It has a council-manager form of government, relying on a manager hired by the city. The mayor sets policy but has few powers other than vetoing legislation passed by the council and tending to some duties involving the police department. The city manager handles most administrative and financial matters. Although a small majority of the city's registered voters are Democrats, Ocala voters have elected many Republicans to office.

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