Flashy Riding & Driving Mare

Cindy Lou
3 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
16.0 hh
Foal Date
January, 2010
United States
Ad Status

Saddlebred Mare for Sale in Lancaster, PA

If you want noticed, check out Cindy Lou. Here is a big horse with an even bigger work ethic that never fusses or quits on you. Talk about regal and floaty. Seriously, she moves like “butta”. This mare screams “look at me” anywhere she goes. Cindy Lou is a 13 year old Saddlebred cross mare standing at 16 hands. She rides and drives. We have taken her both English and Western, and ride her in a simple snaffle. She has been started over cross rails and wants MORE! She doesn’t ever refuse and is careful never to hit a rail. The girl absolutely eats it up! Cindy does know her leads and automatically will swap usually. She is NOT going to be a beginner horse. Cindy does NOT buck, rear, kick out, bolt, etc. But she has a large amount of “go’” and needs a partnership with someone who wants to get to work. We have been doing mostly ring work with her, getting her to slow down and rate her speed. She is willing to learn and eager to please. In the barn, Cindy Lou is easy to handle and loves attention and pampering. She picks up her feet with a tap, stands to be tacked, takes a bit with ease, and also hops right in a trailer. Easy to catch and lives on quality hay. She can live inside or outside. Usually the middle man in the pecking order in the pasture. Cindy Lou loves to stick her head out of her stall and say hello to everyone who walks past. Barefoot and 100% sound with no special upkeep or maintenance. She would make someone a great resale project, jumper, dressage mount, gaming horse, or would look killer in the hunt field! The sky's the limit with her. Get her home and get to work together! Have a winning season this year and get all the compliments!

About Lancaster, PA

Originally called Hickory Town, the city was renamed after the English city of Lancaster by native John Wright. Its symbol, the red rose, is from the House of Lancaster. Lancaster was part of the 1681 Penn's Woods Charter of William Penn, and was laid out by James Hamilton in 1734. It was incorporated as a borough in 1742 and incorporated as a city in 1818. During the American Revolution, Lancaster was the capital of the United States for one day, on September 27, 1777, after the Continental Congress fled Philadelphia, which had been captured by the British.

Contact about Cindy Lou

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