Sweet, Calm Amazing

Half Arabian
3 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
Foal Date
United States
Ad Status

Half Arabian Stallion for Sale in Roseburg, OR

VEGAS IS AS LEVEL HEADED AS THEY COME. HE IS CURIOUS ABOUT THINGS INSTEAD OF BEING FEARFUL. HE WILL MAKE SOMEONE A GREAT COMPANION. MY CHILDREN HAVE SPENT TIME WITH HIM ALMOST EVERYDAY. HE LOVES THE ATTENTION AND IS VERY GENTLE. He has been handled EXTENSIVLEY since birth. He does the basics of leading and tying, but has also been walked on the road to get him used to traffic; tether trained so you can tie him up in your yard for lawn maintenance; we have had a full tarp over his entire body; he knows the feeling of a bit and girth (used a pony snaffle and saddle) (of course no weight other than this little pony saddle) CAN SEND PICTURE. . . . . He catches on fast and retains the information. He will be easy to finish. He should mature to around 15 hands. He is an absolute doll. . . . . . . .

About Roseburg, OR

Modern-day Roseburg is located on the former lands of numerous Indian tribes, including the Cow Creek Band of the Umpqua Tribe, whose Cow Creek Umpqua Indian Foundation is located in Roseburg. Roseburg was the site of the 1855 Hungry Hill battle, part of the Rogue River War of 1855-56, which was started when Euro-Americans flooded southern Oregon in the early 1850s looking for gold. The city was named for settler Aaron Rose, who established a homestead within the current city limits on September 23, 1851. Rose was born in 1813 in Ulster County, New York. In 1851, he came to Oregon from Coldwater, Michigan, where he had lived since 1837.

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