Yearling Warmblood Filly

Bay Roan
3 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
13.0 hh
Foal Date
United States
Ad Status

Warmblood Mare for Sale in Yemassee, SC

PRICE REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE! MOVING MUST GO BY 5 / 20 / 06! Stands about 13. 2H right now. Should mature 15. 2- 15. 3H. shedding out to a chocolate roan very pretty coloring Very easy tempered, loves attention, unregistered. Has been loaded. Stood in the trailer great. Ties. Picks up feet , had her first bath with no problems. You can touch this girl anywhere! Comes right to you in the pasture. No kick, bite, strike etc. Gets along w / other horses, dogs, people etc. 100% Traffic safe Nice Floating trot. Will be a BREEZE to break out next summer! The hard works already been done! Too much info to list here!! Email for photos. Serious ADULT inq. only! MUST SELL BY THIS WEEKEND! AT THIS PRICE YOU CANT GO WRONG! HEALTHY, GOOD STRAIGHT LEGS, IN YOUR POCKET ATTITUDE, ALL SHE NEEDS IS HER COGGINS! SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY

About Yemassee, SC

The town takes its name from the Native American tribe of the same name, the Yamasee, which was the most important Indian ally of South Carolina until the Yamasee War of 1715. The first attack that began the Yamasee War occurred in the Yamasee town of Pocotaligo, today part of the town of Yemassee. The site of the present town is surrounded by both Revolutionary and Civil War sites. The remains of Civil War field fortifications can be observed along U.S. 21 and 17A between Yemassee and Pocotaligo (that section of highway is now a part of Yemassee, as the town has now greatly expanded into Beaufort County [as of 2006]).

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