Light Pleasure, Broodmare Prospect

3 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
15.0 hh
Foal Date
United States
Ad Status

Arabian Mare for Sale in Lake George, CO

Khesadu AHR 0345***1, is a Khemosabi granddaughter. She has had 4 known foals, one filly was out of Khemo when she was 4 yrs old, she has not been bred for the past 5 years. She is very easy going, very spirited to ride (knows leg commands, but has not been ridden in the last 5 years) . Although she has some age on her, she is in very good health and should last someone many years yet. She has a very nice head, is very out of shape from lack of use. She would be a great companion horse for others, gets along well in a herd, or would be very good for someone who just wants to go trail riding now and then. Khemosabi is gone now, she may still produce a great foal that will take someone to the Nationals if bred correctly.

About Lake George, CO

About 42.3 miles (68.1 km) northwest of Colorado Springs and 7.3 miles (11.7 km) northwest of Florissant, the town of Lake George was established in 1891 as a railroad stop for the Colorado Midland Railway (CM) which had been completed in 1887. The town and nearby lake—to its west and fed by the South Platte River—The man made lake was built by George Frost for the purpose of supplying ice to the railroad. The lake, originally called George's Lake was later changed to Lake George when the post office opened. The lake itself freezes mostly solid in the wintertime, which made it ideal for railroad men to cut large blocks of ice from it in order to keep perishables cool. A privately owned ice company here supplied the needs of much of the Pikes Peak region.

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