2005 Usdf Res Nat Champion 3rd Freestyle

3 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
16.0 hh
Foal Date
United States
Ad Status
Stud Fee

Andalusian Stallion at Stud in Bellvue, CO

Decoroso SMDR in 2005 was the USDF Reserve National Champion Third Level Freestyle, USDF Region 5 Champion Third Level Freestyle, USDF Region 5 Reserve Champion Third Level Open, USDF All Breed Awards First Place Third Level Freestyle for the Pure Spanish Horse, International Anadalusian and Lusitano Horse Association's National Champion Third Level Open, IALHA National Champion Fourth Level Open, IALHA National Champion Levels 1-4 Freestyle, IALHA Reserve National Champion Senior Spanish Stallion 7 & Over and Rocky Mountain Dressage Society's Reserve Champion Fourth Level Open. Janet Hannon, "R" Judge, has called Decoroso the best moving Andalusian she has seen or judged! If you are looking to produce "your" championship Dressage prospect, then you must breed your mare to Decoroso SMDR. The Andlausian crosses very well with Thorougbreds, Arabians, Quarter Horses (produces Aztecas) and warmbloods. We offer a "Live Foal" guarantee with provisions. Shipped cooled semen available.

About Bellvue, CO

Paleoindian sites nearby, including a large bison kill site along the Poudre River, indicate human habitation dating back over 10,000 years. In the early 19th century, the area was inhabited by bands of Arapaho, who clashed regularly in small skirmishes with bands of the Ute tribe who inhabited the mountains. Archaeological remains of teepee rings can be found in the surrounding foothills. The first white settlers arrived in the valley soon after Antoine Janis became the first white settler in northern Colorado in 1858. The farm and pasture lands were squatted upon in the two years that followed, so that most was claimed by G.R.

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