Great Western Pleasure Horse

Quarter Horse
3 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
15.0 hh
Foal Date
United States
Ad Status

Quarter Horse Stallion for Sale in Dover, DE

Impulsive Little Man ( Rango) has Star , left hind sock with partial white on left fore coronet and partial white on right hind coronet. Our 16 yr old daughter has showed Rango on the Eastern Shore Show Circuit for the past three years, and has done very well with him. Rango currently has 165. 5 AQHYA points and is registered in the incentive fund these are points he had when we purchased him. Rango has no problem with children or riding double. Rango clips , trailers and has no problem with banding his mane. Rango does not like to tie to the out side of the trailer and prefers to be cross tied in barn. We find a gentle touch works wonders with this horse. All shots are up to date and feet are trimmed every eight weeks.

About Dover, DE

Dover was founded as the court town for newly established Kent County in 1683 by William Penn, the proprietor of the territory generally known as the " Lower Counties on the Delaware." Later, in 1717, the city was officially laid out by a special commission of the Delaware General Assembly. The capital of the state of Delaware was moved here from New Castle in 1777 because of its central location and relative safety from British raiders on the Delaware River. Because of an act passed in October 1779, the assembly elected to meet at any place in the state they saw fit, meeting successively in Wilmington, Lewes, Dover, New Castle, and Lewes again, until it finally settled down permanently in Dover in October 1781. The city's central square, known as The Green, was the location of many rallies, troop reviews, and other patriotic events. To this day, The Green remains the heart of Dover's historic district and is the location of the Delaware Supreme Court and the Kent County Courthouse.

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