AQHA Buckskin Mare

Quarter Horse
2 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
15.1 hh
Foal Date
February, 2013
United States
Ad Status

Quarter Horse Mare for Sale in Sumrall, MS

OPEN BIDDING ON THEHORSEBAY.COM ENDS ON 9/04@ 4:20 PM CT. More information is available on the website, including an UTD vet inspection, Coggins, video, images, and the owner's contact information to ask questions, request information, or make arrangements to come to visit. Cutie is very fun to ride and very stunning to look at. There is no doubt that when you go on a trail ride, she’s the one everybody talks about (very fancy). I have used Cutie around my place and lease pastures for the last few months. She will cross water, logs, debris, and anything you point her at. She will go through or over it very willingly. Her previous owner was in her 60s, and she did great for her as a regular mount and lesson horse. She does not have any bad habits. She is easy to give a shot to when vaccinating and stands good for the farrier when shoeing or trimming. She is easy to wash, saddle, bridle, load in a trailer, etc.… Multiple rounds from a pistol have been shot off of Cutie. I’ve been shooting off of Cutie for the last few months. She’s as good of a shooting horse as anybody would want; she steps right to your shot when running down. Check out the firecrackers being shot off her in the video, seated and standing on her. If you are looking for a safe ride that can do it all with a fabulous look about her, check out Cutie!

About Sumrall, MS

Sumrall was one of many new towns incorporated along the Mississippi Central Railroad during the first decade of the 20th century. Prior to the arrival of the railroad, founder Daniel Sumrall operated a grist mill along Mill Creek. In 1890, the federal government established a post office in the community and named it Sumrall. The J. J.

Contact about Cutie

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