Friesian Cross Beginner Friendly

1 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
16.0 hh
Foal Date
January, 2006
United States
Ad Status

Friesian Gelding for Sale in Lancaster, PA

Valentino or “Tino” for short is a 15 year old Friesian/Belgian Cross gelding. Although, you may mistake him for a 16 hand Golden Retriever puppy when you meet him! Tino is a fabulous mover with awesome knee action, and has three comfortable gaits. He rides AND drives! He will WTC, however you’ll find Tino is more of a “long walks on the beach while sipping a pina colada” type of man. Previously Tino was used as a family trail horse and would pull a sleigh in the winter. Valentino will go Western, English, Dressage, or bareback. Tino has a beautiful extended trot that you can easily rate! He WILL move into a lovely trot when asked, however he needs a little motivation with a little pop of a crop or slight nudge of your heel when asked to canter. Don’t worry, you won’t step off him and feel like you had a full leg workout because you had to kick him on, but he also isn’t going to take off at the speed of light either when you lay some leg on. He’s light in the mouth and never gets heavy on your hands. We ride him in just a D ring snaffle bit. Tino naturally gets on the bit with his Friesian headset, carrying himself well and balanced. He stands to be mounted, regardless if it’s from a mounting block, fence, or tree stump. You’ll find Tino has NO buck, rear, bolt, kick, bite, buck, etc. to him. On the trail Tino enjoys work and will gladly lead, follow or go out alone with confidence. Tino is 100% traffic safe (including busses, semi’s, tractors, etc.), loves water, crosses bridges, enjoys walking through the woods, and will go anywhere you ask of him! We find Valentino to have great stamina and will trekk out 10 miles without an issue, never beginning to lag behind or rush home. He will cross logs, mud, and steep inclines. Tiino has proven to be very sure footed and isn’t clumsy. In the barn, Valentino is kind, respectful, and gentle. He will cross tie, straight tie, or ground tie. Tino walks right up to you to be caught in pasture and anyone can lead him. He stands to be groomed, picks up all his feet with EASE, stands to be tacked, bridles easily, and is good for the vet and farrier. In pasture, Tino can be the loner or the low man and will allow himself to be pushed around by others. We recommend him be with non-dominant horses, as he will simply never stand up for himself. He does fine with mares and geldings and doesn’t get buddy sour when he does make a friend. He can live in or out but is often outside being one with nature when given the option. An advanced beginner will get along with Tino well. A kiddo who isn’t afraid of a larger horse will be fine riding him. Tino would also be a good husband mount or guest horse. We believe Valenntino will be good at trail riding, fox hunting, paper chases, low level shows, pleasure driving, being a lesson mount, dressage, or just a fun horse to do a bit of everything with. We don’t foresee him taking you to Devon this year and jumping 2’6 or running 1D at the jackpot. However we think he would be a ton of fun at local shows! In conclusion, Tino is a really honest guy who someone will thoroughly enjoy. We have found ourselves hopping on him bareback and trotting him around double, giggling like a bunch of children. He’s a ton of fun and never puts up a fuss. Tino enjoys sweet treats such as people candy! Often he can be caught blowing bubbles in the water trough. We are really excited to see Valentino go to a new home and hope to watch him excel with his new people. He’s very personable and will make everyone in the barn gush over him! Valentino is barefoot, 100% sound and requires no maintenance or special upkeep.

About Lancaster, PA

Originally called Hickory Town, the city was renamed after the English city of Lancaster by native John Wright. Its symbol, the red rose, is from the House of Lancaster. Lancaster was part of the 1681 Penn's Woods Charter of William Penn, and was laid out by James Hamilton in 1734. It was incorporated as a borough in 1742 and incorporated as a city in 1818. During the American Revolution, Lancaster was the capital of the United States for one day, on September 27, 1777, after the Continental Congress fled Philadelphia, which had been captured by the British.

Contact about Valentino

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