Sport Pony Prospects

3 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
12.0 hh
Foal Date
United States
Ad Status

Azteca Stallion for Sale in Wellsville, NY

Donnybrook Farms has several yearlings and weanlings offered for sale. By our 1 / 2 Welsh stallion out of Connemara cross mares. These guys will mature top of the line smalls and mediums. "A" quality and Devon prospects. Priced to sell. We must reduce herd due to failing family health These lovely ponies will make great hunter ponies and are so close in color that they are perfect driving pair prospects. The Connemara lines go back to Hideaway Farms who produced the famous Event Stallion Erin Go Braugh. The Welsh lines trace back to Talybont Shaun, International Champion Sec. A Stallion. These babies have quality and substance, and are bred for the show ring with performance lines. Pictured are the Sire, his full sister and sires babies from last year and this year. Dont let one of these future showring greats get away from you

About Wellsville, NY

Originally an encampment for native peoples, Wellsville's settlement was driven, first, by the tanning and lumber industries and, later, the discovery of oil and natural gas. Wellsville was the location of encampments for thousands of years, including the Lamoka and Brewerton cultures. The latest native people, the Seneca, named Wellsville Gistaguat, according to a map produced in 1771 by Guy Johnson, as the official map of New York state at the time, for then-Governor William Tryon. The Seneca referred to the Wellsville area as "the Pigeon Woods" and held annual festivals and encampments there to take advantage of the passenger pigeon (see memoirs of Captain Horatio Jones). At the time, passenger pigeons filled the skies by the millions, and the tribes and bands came to the Wellsville area from all over western New York and northern Pennsylvania to Gistaquat to harvest the pigeons by the thousands.

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