Daughter Of World Champ ~ Kaycee Leaguer

Quarter Horse
3 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
13.0 hh
Foal Date
United States
Ad Status

Quarter Horse Mare for Sale in Washington Court House, OH

Her sire appears on the AQHA Leading Sires List of Perf. Winners & Pt Earners & $125, 000+ in AQHA Inc. Fund $, 2 nd leading sire of Perf. ROM qualifiers, & sired the Congress' 3 yo Miller HUS Lim. Fut. Champ & Res. 3 rd place Open Div , 3 rd in Jr. HUS. This filly's dam also impressive w / the "tried and true" bloodline of Watch Jo Jack! She has the brains, temp, and potential to be your next VERSITILY CHAMP!! Show her now, get some pts, then use her as a broodmare! She is great around kids. My niece showed her in open halter and production classes without any problems and ALWAYS came out with a BLUE RIBBON!!

About Washington Court House, OH

Washington Court House's first settlers appear to have been Edward Smith, Sr., and his family, who emigrated from Pennsylvania in 1810. Smith and his family constructed a crude house in the thick woodlands near Paint Creek, but their efforts to clear the land were interrupted by his departure for military service in the War of 1812. Comparatively soon after returning from his martial pursuits, Smith drowned while attempting to cross a flooded creek, but his widow and 10 children survived and prospered despite the absence of their patriarch. Smith's descendants remained prominent in Fayette County for more than a century after his arrival from Pennsylvania, although many had left Washington Court House for other parts of the county. A family residence still stands on U.S.

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