Great Potential

Tennessee Walking
3 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
16.0 hh
Foal Date
United States
Ad Status

Tennessee Walking Mare for Sale in Colorado Springs, CO

Champagne Midnight Jam has excellent bloodlines and confomation. She is full of potential for the right owner, she has been trained but due to unfontunate circomstances has not been ridden or worked with in about a year and has become undisiplined and unmannered. Only experianced people who are willing to work with her and attempt to relize her potential need inquire. I have discounted the price in consideration of her needs but might possibly negotiate with the right person. I will not sell her to anyone who I feel does not have the experiance since I consider her potentially dangerous to anyone without the necessary experiance. You can contact me at Cohard***@excite. com or 1-719-332- 1780 Thanks, Sean

About Colorado Springs, CO

The Ute, Arapaho and Cheyenne peoples were the first recorded inhabiting the area which would become Colorado Springs. Part of the territory included in the United States' 1803 Louisiana Purchase, the current city area was designated part of the 1854 Kansas Territory. In 1859, after the first local settlement was established, it became part of the Jefferson Territory on October 24 and of El Paso County on November 28. Colorado City at the Front Range confluence of Fountain and Camp creeks was "formally organized on August 13, 1859" during the Pike's Peak Gold Rush. It served as the capital of the Colorado Territory from November 5, 1861, until August 14, 1862, when the capital was moved to Denver.

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