Stunning Paint Mare

Bay Overo
4 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
15.2 hh
Foal Date
May, 2013
United States
Ad Status

Paint Mare for Sale in Crossroads, TX

OBO...I am looking to sell my beautiful paint mare. She is the sweetest girl, with a curious and goofy personality. I love her to death! Unfortunately my Multiple Sclerosis has progressed to a point I can’t even get on her, even with a mounting block. She needs a consistent job with consistent riding that I can’t give her. She’s a 2013 model and 15.2 hands. She was well trained in her early years, but has gone through several periods of being used then turned out for long periods. When I bought her she had been turned out for over a year and needed reminding of what it means to work. When she started with my trainer he felt her gaits were off, and I could see they were off when watching her with him, as well as lunging her myself. Had her evaluated by a vet that recommended a chiropractor. Found out she was 2” out of alignment on her left side. She adjusted her hips, shoulders, neck and poll. I then had her shod all the way around to balance her out, and she was a new horse! I had the trainer put 90 days on her and she became a willing, quick learner, eager to please. She’s so smart, willing, and a beautiful mover now that she’s not in pain. She stands for mounting, with or without a mounting block, stands for saddling, takes the bit with ease, backs, side passes, opens/close gates, neck reins, direct reins, pivots on the fore and hind, stands for the farrier, vet and bathing, comes to you in the pasture without bribes...she can do anything! She just needs someone to give her a job and ride her several days a week to keep her from getting sassy. She’d never worked cows before and the trainer used her, on her 3rd day with him, to move 2 pregnant cows from their pasture, shared with a bull and other cows, into a round pen. She did it without question...some confusion just because she wasn’t sure what was being asked of her, but no balk or silliness. She’s fast and quick so might make a great barrel horse with some barrel focused training/work. She prefers to move out, and looks so lovely doing it, that she could also make a lovely English hunter under saddle, or over fences, or showmanship. She is not a beginner or kids horse, under saddle, at this time; she needs a confident rider to keep her attention. She’s not mean or stupid, just needs firm direction to keep her on task. On the ground she’s great with kids! She’s boarded at a therapy barn and is used a lot to let Autistic, and emotional/behavioral therapy kids, groom, braid, give treats to, pick her hooves, bounce around her, climb under her, squeal and giggle...she eats it up! I love her to death and hate to let her go, but as her refresher training progressed, my MS turned a corner for the worse. I can’t give her the job she deserves, or consistent riding she requires. She’s too good a horse to be a pasture ornament. I have no agenda in selling her. I’m not a horse trader. She’s the only horse I own and have for sale. I’ll be as honest as I can about what I know about her. I don’t want anyone to end up with a horse that’s not right, or safe, for them. Likewise, I don’t want Angel to end up somewhere where she’ll be unhappy, her funny, quirky personality unappreciated and not given the opportunity to be her best self. Angel is double registered AQHA and APHA, but I do not have current papers so selling as grade. I have a photocopy of her original AQHA papers and reached out to the AQHA and APHA folks to find out how to get them transferred over, but wasn’t interested in pursuing further since I wasn’t planning on showing or breeding her. That information is also available on the respective websites. She is also eligible to be registered with the Pinto Horse registry. Her registered name is DG Page An Angel, if you want to look up her lineage. UTD Coggins/Vac as of 9/28/20. Video available on request. I don’t answer calls from numbers I don’t recognize, so email or text is the best way to reach me. Thank you for your interest!

Contact about Angel

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