Sweet Leopard Spotted Appaloosa Yearling

3 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
15.0 hh
Foal Date
United States
Ad Status

Appaloosa Stallion for Sale in Salmon, ID

Price reduction! Mojo is a very sweet, gentle, calm - natured colt. Will make excellent trail or pleasur horse. Very calm and non - spooky, Mojo's favorite pace is a walk. Raised in the mountains of Idaho, he's experienced crossing water, jumping obstacles, bush - wacking and more. Wonderful conformation with very nice shoulder. Best of all, Mojo is incredibly well bred carrying the blood of Foundation Appaloosas and racing Thoroughbreds including Joker B (5x) , Double Six Domino, Mansfield's Comanche, Roman's Straw Man, Prince Plaudit, Top Deck, Man O' War (3x) , War Admiral, and Three Bars, among others. With this breeding you can do just about anything! Parents used for endurance, pleasure and cow work. Full pedigree available on www. allbreedpedigree. com. See more of Mojo at http: / / www. nigeriansandicelandics. com / _ For _ Sale. html.

About Salmon, ID

The Lewis and Clark Expedition crossed the continental divide at Lemhi Pass, 30 miles (48 km) to the southeast of Salmon. They followed the Salmon River through the present site of the city, then ascended the North Fork of the river, at the present day town named after the confluence, to cross into present-day Montana near Lost Trail Pass. The sole female in the party, Sacagawea, was born in the Lemhi Valley near Salmon. The Sacajawea Interpretive, Cultural and Educational Center was opened in Salmon in August 2003. From 1910 to 1939, Salmon was the western terminus of the now-defunct Gilmore and Pittsburgh Railroad.

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