Field Trial Horses for Sale near Covington, IN

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Your search for Field Trial Horses for Sale near Covington, IN didn't yield any ads in a 50-mile radius. Some horse breeds, colors or disciplines in certain locations might be a rare find and it is recommended that you broaden your search to Covington, IN or Horses.

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About Covington, IN

Fountain County was formed on April 1, 1826. Later that year, the county seat was established at Covington, and a two-story frame courthouse was built in 1827. The location of the county seat was a point of contention for some years, as Covington was not centrally located in the county. In 1831 an act was passed that called for the relocation of the county seat, but after further discussion it was decided that it should remain where it was. Eventually the coming of the railroads helped to alleviate the geographical concern.